Introduction to Creative Workspaces

There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says ‘Morning, boys. How's the water?’ And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, ‘What the hell is water?’

David Foster Wallace

What the Hell is Water?

The novelist David Foster Wallace told this story in his 2005 commencement address at Kenyon College. Wallace's point was that there are some things that are so familiar, so integral to one's perception of the world, that we don't notice them any more. They melt into our experience, permeate our senses, and become part of what we might call the background conditions of life.

As with the background conditions of life, the conditions of work follow the same principle outlined in the parable. Improving workspaces is a masterful move that can be deployed at will to improve many consequent behaviors and qualities of people operating within those workspaces: their performance, satisfaction, cohesion, health and creativity.

Creating Optimal Conditions for a Supportive Work Environment

Leaders are responsible for crafting an inspiring and supportive office environment because individual employees often do not control elements like lighting or decor. However, creative thinking and the incubation of ideas do not happen solely within office boundaries.

It's essential for individuals to cultivate favorable environments at home and other locations where they spend considerable time. An optimal setting for creativity and efficiency includes certain key elements that nourish, when applied effectively, help with staying on the Bridge of Joy and widening individual and collective energy flux.

"Design is coming to grips with one’s real lifestyle, one’s real place in the world. Rooms should not be put together for show but to nourish one’s well being."

Albert Hadley

The Role of Air

Fresh air significantly enhances cognitive functions due to the energy and clarity provided by increased oxygen levels. Good air quality boosts productivity while pollution and stagnant air can negatively affect cognitive functions, memory, and overall efficiency throughout the day.

The Impact of Smell

Research in the field of olfactory studies demonstrates that scents directly interact with the olfactory system, which has a close connection with the brain regions responsible for emotion and memory, such as the amygdala and hippocampus. This interaction suggests that smells can evoke emotions and recall memories which can impact mood and cognitive functions including focus and decision-making.

For example, lavender has been associated with reduced stress and anxiety levels, while peppermint has been shown to enhance concentration and cognitive performance.

The use of scent marketing and functional fragrances are applied concepts stemming from these findings. Scent marketing involves curating specific aromas in commercial spaces to enhance customer or employee experience and potentially increase sales or performance. Similarly, functional fragrances are used in workspace environments to boost productivity and reduce stress.

By carefully selecting and diffusing specific scents, businesses can create a more conducive work atmosphere that supports employee performance and well-being.

Effects of Temperature

Studies indicate that ambient temperature has a significant effect on physical comfort, brain function, and productivity.

A pivotal study by Cornell University found that workers in an office set at a temperature of around 77 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius) performed better and had higher productivity levels compared to those at lower temperatures around 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius).

Warm environments typically reduce typing errors and increase typing output. Conversely, excessively warm or cold temperatures can distract from focus and decrease overall cognitive functions by using energy more focused on regulating body temperature.

The Influence of Sound

Sound influences both physiological and psychological aspects of human functioning which, in turn, affects productivity. Research reveals that certain types of sounds, like nature sounds (rushing water or birds chirping) or binaural beats, can improve concentration, reduce stress levels, and enhance cognitive function by promoting relaxation and mood improvement. The distinct tones and rhythms can synchronize brain wave frequencies thereby enhancing focus, relaxation, and energy levels.

On the other hand, disruptive sounds such as traffic noise, loud chatter, or construction sounds can lead to decreased concentration, increased stress levels, and overall reduced productivity. This negative impact is often a result of sound hindering the ability to focus or disturbing peace needed for tasks.

It is important to note that sound sensitivity and preference can be highly individual. While some might find soft background music or ambient sounds like rain to be calming and concentrating, others might find the same sounds distracting. This variance reinforces the need for customizable sound environments or personal audio solutions in workplaces to cater to different preferences.

The Benefits of Plants

Incorporating greenery within workspaces is shown to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, and provide other health benefits. This positive impact may stem from an innate connection to nature, contrasting with the pressures often associated with urban environments.

Importance of Light

Natural light is crucial for subconscious well-being, productivity, and eye health. It enhances mood, and makes reading fonts and distinguishing colors easier compared to artificial lighting. Ensuring ample natural light can increase focus and reduce eye strain.

Color in Workspaces

Interior design leverages color theory due to its significant impact on psychological states. For instance, blue is preferred in workspaces for its calming effect and ability to support well-being and efficiency.

Meanwhile, colors like yellow, green, and red each possess unique properties that influence creativity, calmness, and stimulation, respectively, underlining the importance of thoughtful color selection in office environments.

The Support of Crystals

Similar to plants, crystals and minerals introduce focused natural energy into workspaces, enhancing creative flows. Strategic placement of specific crystals, such as amethyst for cleansing unwanted energy at entrances from all people entering the space, clear quartz in conference rooms for increased focus, or citrine for abundance and prosperity in offices, can support various desirable outcomes. The choice and maintenance of crystals should reflect their intended energy and placement.

Here is a short list of crystals and how they are applied to support specific business activities or functions:

  • Citrine (Wealth and Abundance)

    Citrine is thought to bring prosperity and help in acquiring wealth. It is ideal for anyone starting a new business or aiming to expand an existing one.

  • Black Tourmaline (Protection)

    Black Tourmaline is believed to protect against negative energies and stress, making it suitable for environments where conflict or heavy decision-making occurs.

  • Amethyst (Clarity and Decision Making)

    Known for its calming and intuitive properties, Amethyst can help in making clear, conscious decisions by enhancing mental clarity and creativity.

  • Tiger’s Eye (Focus and Determination)

    Tiger's Eye is said to promote focus, determination, and confidence, which are crucial for leadership roles and completing challenging tasks.

  • Pyrite (Leadership and Performance)

    Often called "Fool's Gold," Pyrite is associated with wealth and success. It is believed to encourage leadership qualities and boost performance in competitive business environments.

  • Lapis Lazuli (Effective Communication)

    This stone is valued for its ability to foster effective communication and truthfulness, which are essential for marketing, sales, and any role requiring clear articulation of ideas.

  • Green Aventurine (Opportunity and Growth)

    Often used to attract opportunity and growth, Green Aventurine is thought to support risk-taking and help one move forward with confidence.

  • Selenite (Energy Flow and Cleansing)

    Selenite is reputed to cleanse energy and elevate the energetic frequency of the workplace, promoting a peaceful atmosphere that enhances cooperative efforts and purity in intentions.

  • Red Garnet (Commitment and Dedication)

    Garnet is believed to encourage commitment and perseverance, making it ideal for long-term projects or businesses that demand endurance.

  • Clear Quartz (Versatility and Energy Enhancement)

    Known as a "master healer," Clear Quartz is acclaimed for its versatility and ability to enhance the energies of other stones. It is useful for general workplace enhancement, enhancing thoughts, and improving overall synergy.

Crystals are often used individually or in combination, placed strategically around the workplace or carried on one's person to potentially draw their benefits. Despite their popularity in alternative practices, it's important to note that the effects of crystals are not scientifically proven and should be utilized as a complement to other practical business strategies.

Personalizing Space

Customizing a workspace with personal items can enhance its relevance and supportiveness. These items, varying greatly among individuals, might include mementos that trigger positive memories or feelings. This personal touch contributes to creating a space that truly reflects and accommodates one's unique preferences and needs.

"The best rooms have something to say about the people who live in them."

David Hicks

Basic Workplace Hygiene: Decluttering

The term 'clutter' refers to unnecessary items that can distract us from our tasks. Although they may seem harmless, these items, such as excess open tabs, papers, books, a messy desktop or outdated to-dos, contribute to stress levels.

Science supports that clutter increases cortisol levels and impacts our sense of well-being negatively. The human brain operates better with order and loses efficiency when distracted. To improve the work environment, it's crucial to minimize these distractions.

"The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don't."

Joshua Becker

Principles of Decluttering

Decluttering involves decision-making; it's about letting go of what no longer serves you. 

To start decluttering, evaluate if items inspire, support, or hold relevance. Proper storage solutions are essential, as not all items need immediate discarding. Keep in mind the 80/20 rule, which posits that we use 20% of our possessions 80% of the time, while the rest is rarely used. Ask yourself if an item is easily replaceable. Finally, surround yourself with inspirational objects, whether quotes, pictures, or personal mementos, to create a positive and inspiring workspace.

Advanced Workplace Hygiene: Energy Cleansing

In the context of workspace hygiene, it is essential to consider the cleaning of not just physical spaces but also the energy within them.

Cluttered energy may stem from objects that hold negative associations or from individuals who bring unhelpful energy into the space. Just as a professional crew cleans the office, energy cleansing should also be conducted regularly.

Energy Cleansing Practices

Leaders can engage in simple practices like mentally sending a cleansing light through the office space, from door to windows, to promote a positive energy flow. 

Utilizing music is an effective way to alter the workspace's energy. For example, playing music with a frequency of 432 Hz, like much of classical music, known to be harmonious with the human energy field, can uplift the office atmosphere. This practice was utilized at Outfit7 where energy-cleansing music would play overnight.

Burning incense, such as sage or Palo Santo, has been recognized for its ability to significantly alter the atmosphere of a space. By incorporating this practice on a routine basis, workspaces can experience an uplift in the mood, leading to better focus and productivity.

Impact of Workplace Hygiene on Mental State

The state of one's physical environment is believed to reflect their mental state. By decluttering and maintaining a space that is energetically clean, distractions are reduced, and one's energy levels are less likely to be adversely affected. The notion is that by organizing your surroundings, you can enhance your mood and work performance.

Feng Shui: Optimizing Energy Flow in Your Workspace

Feng Shui, also known as Chinese Geomancy, is a traditional practice aimed at improving the overall energetical balance of the space in order to produce a calming and transformative influence on people.

Fundamentally, Feng Shui is about the relationship between humans and their environments, informed by a variety of disciplines including architecture, topology, geography, astrology and cosmology. The goal is to manipulate the energy flow, or "Qi", in a space to attain improvement in various aspects of life.

Understanding Qi

At the heart of Feng Shui is the concept of Qi, the essential life force. It is helpful to imagine Qi as water flowing through an environment.

If a space is too bare, it can feel overwhelming and unwelcoming, resembling an uncontained flood. Conversely, a cluttered space might restrict the flow of Qi, leading to stagnation and a lack of dynamism.

The idea is to balance the space so that the Qi flows smoothly and supports well-being and creativity.

The Scope of Feng Shui

While Feng Shui is a complex methodology requiring in-depth study for mastery, its fundamental principles can be applied relatively easily. These guidelines can be used to improve different spaces, from the layout of gardens and external areas to the arrangement of furniture and décor inside, including workspaces.

The Language of Aesthetics

Aesthetics refers to the set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art and design. It is not only about the visual appearance of an object or space but also includes the sensory experiences that promote human interaction and emotional response.

Of the many aesthetic directions we know and discover nowadays, each carries its symbolic meaning and affects the mood and performance of people it surrounds.

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