Why is Your Manifestation not Working?

There are three major causes for your manifestation not being realized: 

1. You have manifested something inconceivable to you; 

2. You are afraid or reluctant to take the next step;

3. Your limiting beliefs are blocking you from embodying it.

The first two are relatively easy to solve by following the practices described so far. However, the primary and most challenging barrier to achieving a manifestation is the presence of limiting beliefs, which can block the path to success if they are not addressed and managed. To do so, we need to start by knowing where to find these beliefs.

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The Conscious Awareness

In the realm of day-to-day operations, we operate within our conscious mind, dealing with immediate challenges, processing sensory information, and making decisions.

This level of consciousness is where tactical actions occur—critical for handling the intricacies of business operations and immediate problem-solving. It is the state in which we are most actively engaged with the world around us.

This level of conscious awareness is where we can already find limiting beliefs. We're aware of them and can mentally decide to change them into supporting beliefs.

The Subconscious Mind

Deep within the minds of every person lies the 'black box' of the subconscious, a repository of all life experiences–positive and traumatic–and inherited or carried-over patterns.

These deep-set beliefs (supporting or limiting) significantly steer one’s approach to work and leadership, often outside of conscious awareness, which accounts for merely 3-4% of our active thinking.

The domains of creation and management are heavily influenced by these subconscious underpinnings, materializing in decision-making and strategic orientations. Recognizing and understanding these elements can direct us to adapt and optimize subconscious drivers towards positive manifestations, thereby enhancing our efficacy at work.

The Superconscious

Above the layers of conscious and subconscious lies the superconscious mind, a state of heightened awareness and intuition that transcends ordinary mental capabilities. This level of consciousness integrates clarity and intuition, allowing us to see problems and solutions as interconnected rather than separate, as though the solution was a natural outgrowth from the problem. This holistic view helps in drawing innovative solutions effortlessly.

The superconscious is not just a psychological state but the epicenter of transformational energy that each leader harbors. It is akin to a divine essence within us, housing our highest aspirations and ideals. It guides us to discover our unique purpose and the specific role we play, which no one else can fulfill. Though these ideals often seem unachievable, they are crucial in shaping our ultimate contributions to the world.

The Benefit of Recognizing Pain

When experiencing pain or discomfort, it's crucial to pinpoint which limiting belief is being triggered.

Identifying and acknowledging this belief enables us to accept and release the pain, replacing it with positive, supportive feelings. This process can be executed with ease and at speed the more we familiarize ourselves with our internal world of beliefs.

How to Identify and Modify Your Root Limiting Beliefs?

We can imagine personal beliefs, limiting and supporting ones, as a tree where each belief interconnects like branches and leaves.

At the base are universally present, root beliefs, and branching out from these are more specific, personalized beliefs. This structure helps illustrate how beliefs develop and proliferate over time.

Targeting Root Limiting Beliefs for Effective Change

The most ingrained beliefs lie at the root of the "belief tree." Addressing only the superficial, branch-level beliefs is ineffective, as they are likely to reemerge. For a lasting change, it is critical to identify and modify these root limiting beliefs.

Root limiting beliefs are fundamental perceptions that we're born with and continuously work on throughout our lives. Becoming more aware of these beliefs allows us to loosen their grip on us, giving us a better chance to live in a way that is more fulfilling, less painful, and overall more enjoyable.

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The Seven Root Limiting Beliefs

Every individual harbors two or three of the following seven root limiting beliefs:

  • I am worthless or not worthy

  • I am lonely

  • I am not accepted

  • I am not free or am restrained

  • I am unsafe or insecure

  • I am humiliated

  • I am not loved

The eighth, fundamental root limiting belief underlying all of the above is a lack of self-faith, including self-denial and the rejection of one’s divine nature.

The Importance of Self-Appreciation and Self-Acceptance in Manifestation

While the discussion of potential blocks of manifestation often centers on addressing painful barriers and limiting beliefs, it is essential to counterbalance this perspective with the fact that each individual possesses a unique set of strengths that set them apart, support the manifestation, and contribute to the beauty of life.

Acknowledging and emphasizing these positive attributes to oneself is both appropriate and beneficial. To list a few:

  • Fairness

  • Perseverance

  • Honesty

  • Tolerance

  • Optimism

  • Compassion

  • Respect

  • Confidence

  • Encouragement

  • Kindness

  • Openness

  • Spontaneity

  • Creativity

  • Self-Worth

The Power of Thoughts

The Law of Attraction, a principle suggesting we attract what we focus on and reap what we sow, has been extensively covered by various authors. However, the significant role thoughts play in our professional lives often receives insufficient attention.

Our thoughts have a powerful impact, shaping our reality over time. Thoughts arise from our experiences, many of which occur without our full awareness. Therefore, it's crucial for us to be observing ourselves and critically reflect on our own thought processes.

Unconditional Self-Acceptance

Absolute and unreserved honesty with ourselves is needed once we start to observe ourselves and our thoughts. There are no secrets we can keep from ourselves. Self-deception is detrimental not only in interpersonal relationships but to oneself.

Deceiving oneself can lead to severe repercussions, where the "debt" incurred manifests as amplified negative outcomes. This can all be avoided by training to accept everything we observe within ourselves. Doing this, our self-love also feeds our ability to extend love and excellence to others.

Everything in the world happens for you, not to you. 

Energy and potential exist to serve you; not the other way around.

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Explore next topic: Rethinking Work-Life Balance

Master the art of life roles management to craft a stable, energized lifestyle where you can work anytime and anywhere; instead of all the time and everywhere.

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